Sunday, August 22, 2010

Allah SWT commands us in Holy Quran 4:135

"O ye who believe! Stand out firmly For justice, as witnesses To Allah, even as against Yourselves, or your parents, Or your kin, and whether It be (against) rich or poor: For Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (Of your hearts), lest ye Swerve, and if ye Distort (Justice) or decline To do Justice, verily, Allah is well-acquainted With all that ye do".

Allah SWT is just and He wants us to be just. According to the Latin sayings "Let Justice be done though heaven should fall".


We can't do justice...!

Look around you...!

Can we do justice...?

Are we doing justice...???

Justice to our wives, parents, sisters, brothers, children, neighbors, jobs, employees, stakeholders, place where we work, homeland, religion, orphans and widows! So it is contrary to what Allah SWT demands from us (We muslims).

1. In giving away inheritance, brothers eat away sister's inheritance because he thinks if I give her inheritance, which is due to her, her husband will eat it up!

2. We treat our wives worst than animals and do not dare to realize this fact that she is also a daughter of someone as if what we perceive and realize for our sisters at the time of their marriage!

3. We treat our parents worst than animals and do not dare to realize this fact that from a drop of congeal blood they brought us up to the days of dwellings, status and luxuries which we enjoy!

4. There are thousand of jobless Degree holders who because of poverty can't get jobs. Is this their fault?

5. Managers/Supervisors do not want to give their eligible employees a promotion and reports to higher authority absolutely opposite about their subordinates' performance because they thinks that if They will be just with them, their ideology and self-centeredness is in trouble. Similarly, in most of the office cases the reward is given to those who beg, bargain and blackmail and who present themselves deceitfully before the bosses. And poor and ignorant bosses blesses them extensively and destroy and mock with the career/future of eligible employees!

6. We boast our patriotism for the country and present ourselves deceitfully over the media that we love our nation courtesy of making patriotic songs, advertisements , movies, dramas, and functions but on the other hand we thieve electricity and sleep innocently in air-condition rooms. Which is indeed a shameful act and whosoever does that, to me he/she is a traitor to the motherland!!

7. Our Leaders always celebrate and for the sake of popularity contest sings our glorious national anthem on independence day. But always take away national money/treasure which is due for welfare and development of the country.

8. On election time, we vote those people knowing fully that they are corrupt and criminals and then we expect them to do justice???

9. Barbaric people victimize and beat two innocent brothers to death in Sialkot. And We spineless people of Pakistan don't even put ourselves forward to save their lives..AHH!! Pity to say we are losers!!!

Similarly there are thousands of cases which we can see but with ignorant eyes, Pity!!! But our Creator Allah SWT knows everything that we do and on the day of Judgment we will not escape from his wrath.

Therefore, its very difficult to do justice because we are not trained or programed for doing justice, we are still animals, we want to grab, grab, grab and we don't want to give, give, give which is for somebody else.

I think if we contrast Animal Kingdom with Humans. Its amazingly shameful to witness this fact that Animals can do better justice than Humans. You need to have a look at this video and see through your eyes the just-full act of this Leopard!

I hope you might have learnt the meaning of 'being just' from this Leopard, who amazingly cuddles baby Baboon. But its very hard to digest to listen the saying of wise-men and Holy Scriptures. As our great poet Iqbal [Reh. A] revealed beautifully this fact in Zarb-i Kalim:
Source: Iqbal Academy Pakistan.

Almost every religion talks about justice. For instance, I put before my Christian brothers and sisters couple of verses from The Holy Bible which talks about justice and its absolute implementation.

Leviticus 19:13-15

You shall not oppress your neighbor or rob him. The wages of a hired servant shall not remain with you all night until the morning. You shall not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block before the blind, but you shall fear your God: I am the Lord. “You shall do no injustice in court. You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor".

Exodus 23:1-3

You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice, nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his lawsuit".

Now, few sentences for your lost souls:

1. Remember! Protecting your and peoples' interest is not your job! Your job is to do justice

2. A true muslim needs to read quran with understanding and that motivates him/her into action

3. You need to do business with Allah SWT with regards to Surah Nisa 4:135. If you do this type of business with Allah SWT you don't need to count blessings because Allah SWT is the most 'Perfect Accountant' He has got his accountants with us all the time, so nothing can go wrong. If your intentions are right they are getting credited and on the day of judgement you will get everything that more than you can deserve

But if you do not listen to what Allah SWT commands you to do so then He says in Holy Quran 4:138:

"To the Hypocrites give The glad tidings that There is for them (But) a grievous Penalty".

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